A Pantheon of Fractals

ft. Ott

Illusions of creation

The final track of the album is perhaps the most spiritual. Temples and churches were created by humans to inspire awe. The idea that fractals so often can feel like gigantic cathedrals has always inspired Julius, who, despite being an atheist, relates strongly with the idea that humans crave a connection with the mystical.
These temples constantly transform and morph. Colors shift and become almost like a psychedelic dance floor, when Ott’s deep melodies pick up and transport us into an unknown web of electric pulses in a cosmic neural net.

Ott is well-known for his psychedelic dub music since the early 2000s, when his Simon Posford collaboration, as well as his own album Blumenkraft gained worldwide recognition.
Julius has been a long time fan, since those early days, and is proud to have Ott score the final track.

Ott writes eloquently about his creative process:
“From the start until we arrive at the Neon DJ Temple we are travelling in an unbroken straight line at a consistent speed through the Pantheon of Fractals. […] The first time I experienced that section in VR I was literally astonished and awestruck. […] I had great fun giving voice to the various interactions; the Transparent Walls, the Interrogative Scanning Beams which pass either side of me scanning for disease and bad-intentions [the first time they came past I reached out and tried to touch them, whacking my hand on the shelf beside me], and the Neon Chest Mincer which passed through me painlessly, to my genuine surprise.  […] And then we arrive at The Portal and pass into Neurone-Land, flying through the synapses and eventually coming into land on a plateau of soft waveforms in an undersea brain-cave.”

Directed, animated and produced by Julius Horsthuis. Music written and produced by Ott.
©2023 Julius Horsthuis Fractals B.V.


Vast but Vanishing ft. Temple Invisible